Sunday, 31 July 2011

After the Hiatus...

Hi Everyone! I feel so bad that my blog has been neglected for the past couple of weeks, but it really couldn't be helped. Shortly after my last post, I found out that my contract was ending a week earlier than expected, so I lost a number of days that I thought I had to finish up all the work I had to do. Add in a wedding, job interviews, and a sudden illness in the family resulting in a death, and I just didn't have time to stop and think, let alone blog! Now, it's all over, and I am unemployed for the foreseeable future, but I remain hopeful. And it means I have more time to craft over the next little while (though hopefully not too long!).

I made these couple of cards just the other day for two other coworkers of mine who will be greatly missed. I recently purchased a bunch of new cartridges at a wonderful sale - here in Canada, cartridges just don't come cheap, so when they go on a firesale, one must act immediately! I obtained: Freshly Picked, Forever Young, Wall Decor and More, Everyday Paper Dolls, Everyday Pop Up Cards, Create a Critter, All Sports, Songbird and Winter Woodland. I'm sure these ones in particular will be featured prominently in my upcoming projects as I explore their capabilities! I made this card with Create a Critter and Everyday Pop Up Cards:

I made this one using Simply Charmed and Everyday Pop Up Cards:

I apologize again for the unexplained hiatus! I'm sure I'll be back soon with something new to display!

1 comment:

  1. "Thanks a ton!"--That's MY card!!! Whoo-hoo! It's even better looking in real life. I have it in my new office.

    Carrie, I finally got a chance to check out your blog. It's almost like talking to you again, which is lovely.

    We are happy to be home and settling into life as usual. I hope you are well. Email me when you get a chance and I'll respond as soon as I can.

