Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Hooray for Wednesday

So glad that today is Wednesday! The week is over half finished, and I am looking forward to the weekend for sure...more time on the Cricut!

Does anyone else find that they sometimes get "overstimulated"? It happens to me every so often, and it happened again today. I was thinking of ideas for the challenge at Bitten by the Bug 2 which required you to use the starfish image on the Life's a Beach cartridge. After thinking about it for a little bit, I suddenly was flooded with three or four ideas of things that I could do. I couldn't focus on my work!! FINALLY the end of the day arrived, and even though I will probably end up doing some work later tonite, I had to scratch that idea itch as soon as I got home. I will probably be making another one for a different challenge later tonite, but let's take it one at a time!

Here is one that I am submitting to Bitten by the Bug 2:

Nothing too fancy, but I like this one's simplicity. The one I hope and plan to make later tonite will be much more complicated!

Dinner now, more Cricut later!


  1. Very elegant looking! I really like this one a lot. Thanks for playing with us at BBTB2

  2. I really like the soothing effect on this card. Lovely colors. Thanks for joining us at our BBTB2 challenge.

  3. Happens to me all the time. Sometimes it even keeps me awake! LOL This is gorgeous in it's simplicity. Beautiful soft colors. I love it! xxD
